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New Global Patient Alliance Is Raising Profile of Chronic Kidney Disease

A new global coalition, the Global Patient Alliance for Kidney Health, launched last week. With 17 member organizations spanning five continents, the Alliance hopes to improve screening access and early treatment for a serious but often neglected public health challenge: chronic kidney disease, or CKD. 

Launching Alongside the United Nations General Assembly Meeting 

The Alliance’s launch coincided with Devex’s How Improving Kidney Health Can Transform Health Systems for All event, which took place in New York City on September 19, 2023, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting. Marisol Robles, alliance steering committee member and president of the Mario Robles Ossio Foundation in Mexico, announced the Alliance during the event’s Fireside Chat – The Burden of CKD: New Data, New Insights

Marisol spoke during the session about the importance of collective action to confront the challenge of CKD. The Global Patient Alliance for Kidney Health, she said, will engage in various international forums, including the World Health Organization, to emphasize CKD patients’ perspectives and galvanize policymakers to act. Marisol was joined by Professor Aleister McGuire, Chair of Health Economics in the Department of Health Policy at the London School of Economics.  

Addressing CKD Through Greater Investment in Early Screening and Treatment 

During the fireside chat, Professor McGuire relayed that upwards of 800 million people globally live with CKD. More than 90%, research finds, are unaware of their status. This makes CKD one of the most serious public health issues worldwide today – and one of the most neglected. 

Unaddressed, the Alliance says, CKD will continue to claim the lives of patients, as well as place immense strains on health systems’ environmental and financial resources. Both the Alliance and Professor McGuire agree that early intervention – with both screening and treatment – is imperative.  

  • Early Screening. Improved screening can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, improving outcomes for patients, caregivers and health care systems alike. 
  • Early treatment. Beginning treatment sooner can slow patients’ disease progression and help patients avoid the need for dialysis and kidney transplants, improving patients’ quality of life while reducing resource strains for health systems. 

Supporting The Alliance’s Efforts 

The decisions we make today will affect us and our children tomorrow, Marisol stated during her remarks. That, she continued, is reason enough to highlight CKD and push for unity and urgency in action.  

Marisol wrapped by inviting event attendees to support the Alliance. Visit and engage on social media with #KidneyHealth to be a part of the movement.